
Welcome to the it-jobvehicles installation guide, here you can learn how to completely install our asset, following each step we will achieve a clean and fluid installation where you will not find any problems, as long as the documentation has been completed in full.

If you do not have programming experience, we recommend that you read each step completely without skipping any lines, since all documentation is important and should not be ignored under any circumstances. If you have a trusted developer, you can install this quickly, easily and safely if you complete this documentation step by step.

If at the end of this documentation you still have any problems, review each step again, after having checked that everything is correct, you can obtain more information about common errors in the Common Problems section within this same documentation to seek help independently.

Asset download

To find the asset, you must have made the purchase using your own keymaster account. Otherwise, you can use the transfer system to move the asset to a different keymaster account.

If you need to make an update you must also do this step again, download the asset and you will get the complete update.

Once the purchase is made on our official website, you will receive your asset directly in your keymaster, in your own panel you can download the asset and install it following the following documentation.

If you have more problems regarding Fivem Escrow, accounts or asset startup errors you can go here and see if any of them match your case, since Escrow requires some basic things for its operation, such as your keymaster account, your licensekey , etc.

FiveM Escrow System

Asset dependencies

You can also you ox_target on your QbCore Server.

Asset positioning

Correctly position the assets by following this step, if something goes wrong you will probably get errors about exports not found, do not skip this step.

For the execution of this asset, we will respect the respective order mentioned below.

-- First we will start the Database
ensure oxmysql

-- Then we will start the cores, never below
ensure es_extended or qb-core

-- Then we start all the dependencies need for it-jobgarages
ensure [dependencies]

-- Run it-jobgarages here
ensure it-jobgarages 


Our drug script includes two databases, befor the first start of the script you should check if the tables allready exists in your Database and delete them if they exists. If you just update the script you dont have to do this.

-- Check for the drug_plants table
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `drug_plants`;

The Script will automaticly install and update the database but if you want you still can intall the database manually with this commands:

Install Database manually
-- Install the it_jobgarages table
create table it_jobgarages
    plate varchar(8) null,
    current_garage varchar(255),
    home_garage varchar(255) not null,
    vehicle_model varchar(255) not null,
    vehicle_properties json null,
    updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    constraint it_jobgarages_pk_2
        primary key (plate),
    constraint it_jobgarages_pk
        unique (plate)

Basic asset configuration

We do not recommend editing frameworks unnecessarily, since almost all assets depend exclusively on your framework and exports on the name of your framework. Otherwise and if you edited your framework, read these steps carefully.

Please expand each part to see information about the configuration of the asset, this way you will understand the general operation of the asset on the framework and editable files side.

Basic framework configuration

The asset will work automatically if your framework is called es_extended or qb-core, it will automatically detect if any of them are started.

Advanced framework configuration

If your framework is completely modified, both in events and name, you should access the bridge folder to adapt the native events of your framework to the codes you have created. If this step doesn't work, we ask that you ask your framework modifier or trusted developer for help.

Edit the Config

To make sure that the scrip is set correctly for the first start we recommend to follow the documentation for setting the config file, otherwise unwanted errors may occur.

❗First Configuration

Last updated